Wow God is good. This past week has been amazing!
On May 19, we went to an organization called As Green As it Gets ( They originally started out by partnering with local farmers and helping them to grow coffee and then export it. They have now been innovating and making their farms more sustainable. They are growing many different crops in each field so they can produce something year round. They also have classes to help teach children and current farmers how to best use the land and preserve it - to keep it as green as possible. We then visited a local coffee farmer and we roasted, ground, and made our own coffee. Wow I didn't realize how much work went into getting a cup of coffee. I hope I never forget this and from this experience ensure that I am supporting fair trade because otherwise these people get next to nothing for work unimaginable to us.
The next day happened to be one of the best days. Not just because it was my 20th birthday but because of what we got to do. I had a special cake made for me and we had a pinata to celebrate and then got to go to Rosas de Amor. Rosa is a true woman of the Lord. She answered a call from the Lord to open a home for the neglected and abused children and teenage mothers of Guatemala. She is such an example of trusting in the Lord for she has no steady donations. She houses up to 50 children and provides them with food, education, and most importantly the love of the Lord. She has great dreams to one day own her own property where she can house more children and have a proper school. This lady
The next day we traveled to Lake Atitlan. This is probably one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. It is surrounded by volcanoes and lush green forests. We took a boat ride across the lake and saw some of the culture there. The city we went to was very much under the powers of darkness as they believed that their god, Maximon, lived there. The church that was on the top of the hill had a room completely dedicated to him and sadly, almost every person who was in that church, was in that room. However, I met a lovely lady whom I bought a painting from. She was very kind hearted and appreciated art like I do. I noticed she didn't sign the painting so I asked her why. The answer was not one I was expecting or ever wanted to hear. She cannot read or write. How is it that we are so blessed to read and write? It is something we all take so for granted. May we all take this privilege and use it for the glory of God.

Monday was the last full day with the group. It was bitter sweet for sure. Bitter because I have grown to love all of them so much but sweet because it meant that I would soon be going to Tactic to serve the Lord through nursing. We went into the city and just spent time together. It was a great day. Cabree and I bought a small jade heart necklace for Lydia, a 15 year old girl who works in the market everyday and doesn't go to school. She always remembered our names and chatted with us when we were in town. Our friendship was something special. So we wrote her a note and blessed her with a little gift. I pray that she will see God and that the little we could do will impact her life for she has something special to give.
That evening we all gathered in our host's house and talked about our time here. We were asked to think of one word to describe our time here. My word was 'itching'. Yes partly because I got a lot of bug bites but also because God has placed an itching on my heart to know Him better and to grow in Him, to hear and respond to the calling He has in my life.
The past two days I have been here able to just journal and reflect. God has been so good. I cannot even wait for the experiences that are in store once I get to Impact Ministries.
Please pray for safety as I am traveling to Tactic Friday morning and that I will be receptive to God's voice and truly be a blessing to those there.
Love you all.
PS. Alberto is still in the hospital - so keep him in your prayers!
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