My group visited an organization called Nuestros Ahijados (Our Godchildren). It truly is a diamond amongst the rough. From the road it looks like nothing special but when you drive further onto their property you see an abundance of life through the children, the plants, and the running water. We learned about the organization and how they strive to make a holistic difference in the community. They have a school program, a feeding program, programs for mothers and fathers about domestic violence, nutritional needs, etc., a medical and dental clinic, and a place called Casa Jackson, which is dedicated to feeding malnourished children (we may be fortunate enough to go and feed some of these babies!). God's love and providence was so prominent in this place. Although it was beautiful, it truly was a place of restoration and cleansing for the children and their families, a place where they could rise out of the ashes and learn how to then affect their community. It was beautiful and touching.

That evening while walking through one of the local artisan markets back at home, a lady's smile caught my eye. We easily began to communicate as she was extremely patient with me and just wanted to hear my story. Unlike many of the vendors, she did not start showing me what she had for sale but instead continued her weaving and engaged in conversation. I told her why I was here and what I was doing. I told her that I am studying to become a nurse and she told me a bit of her story and how she is needing to see the doctor and is hoping to go tomorrow. She told me that she wished I could go with her and be her nurse! I was so touched. How could a woman who has never met me say such a thing? She was so sweet and genuine - I didn't ask but I believe she was a Christian because she shone so brightly. After having this connection with her, I was so happy to find a beautiful blanket made of pieces of the traditional women's clothing here. Although I could not be with her longer, I was so happy to be able to make a contribution to help her and her family. She was so amazing - I will not forget her. Hopefully I will be able to visit with her again in the market and get a picture with her.

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