Now that I have seen, I am responsible
Faith without deeds is dead
Now that I have held you in my own arms, I cannot let go till you are
I will tell the world, I will tell them where I've been
I will keep my word
I will tell them Albertine

- Brooke Fraser

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

No hay nadie como Tu

This post is from Sunday.... Due to power outages and computer troubles here it is: There is no one like God! Already my time here has been amazing - I can say the same for my dad. Today we attended two church services (the first started off as a cell group of 15 and now has over 50 in attendance and the second is Impact's main church - Rio de Vida). At the first church service, I grabbed my seat and looked up to see a girl smiling so big at me. She ran towards me and gave me a huge hug! It was Yoselina my sponsor child! Her whole family was at church and it warmed my heart to see them praising the Lord - my heart was especially moved by her father's genuine worship. Before the children were dismissed for Sunday School, she sat on my lap and just clung to me. I asked her if it was a surprise to see me and she was like "SI!!!!!" She was so happy. Prior to worship the team we are here with had the time to speak to the congregation. My dad also got up and spoke and said how he thought he came here for me but instead realized it was for God. He told them how no matter who we are, we all have the same loving God and can glorify him with our lives despite where we live etc. During worship we sang my favorite song - recibe toda la Gloria y la honra. God impacted my life and spoke to me through that song last year and being able to sing it again alongside my dad, Yoselina, and all the other Guatemalans brought tears to my eyes. The sermon was preached by a man who came to know the Lord through his sons. They are now in their later teenage years and are students at Impact's schools. He spoke about Matt 6:25-33 and why Christians don't feel like they are growing. He reminded us that we must open every room of our lives to Him and when we fail, because we will, that instead of closing the doors we should make them bigger! The service at Rio de Vida was also very impacting and relevant. We were asked at the beginning of the service if we were ready for what God wants to do in our lives. This got me thinking.... Am I ready? Am I allowing God to work in and through me? He spoke on James 1:22-25 and really emphasized the need not to just be hearers of the word but to let the word impact us and truly change our lives. To love as Christ loved! He said our calling wasn't meant to be an easy one but one that we must take up our cross and follow Him. But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it - he will be blessed in what he does. James 1:25

1 comment:

  1. Post more!

    That is sooo exciting you got to see Yoselina. It is amazing that you are able to go and see her because many sponsors dont have that privilege. Im glad all is going well but dont you have to come back soon? you should just stay in el lugar que ocupa su corazón for a while longer... the weathers not that nice here anyway.

    Much love.
