Now that I have seen, I am responsible
Faith without deeds is dead
Now that I have held you in my own arms, I cannot let go till you are
I will tell the world, I will tell them where I've been
I will keep my word
I will tell them Albertine

- Brooke Fraser

Monday, 15 August 2011

Hit with Reality.

Now is a time when I wish I was in Guatemala.  Shocking reality hits.  My friend and roommate, Ingrid, is going through a really tough time.  I don't know if you read my post from a while ago about Marvin, her brother.  He had a brain tumor.  It seemed like God had healed him for he felt a peace and the doctors could not find anything on the scan the day he was booked to have brain surgery.  But a few weeks ago things went really down hill.  He was suffering a lot and I just found out that last Friday God took him away at the age of 22.  Thank the Lord that he is now pain free but what about all the people left on Earth who truly were trusting God to heal him?  What about all the people who are now so filled with pain and grief?  I am in shock.  It is always so difficult to hear about people dying at such young ages.  They did not live their life and have a family.  But I guess he fulfilled his purpose here on Earth...

Lord, You only know why Marvin is with You now.  You chose not to heal Him.  Your ways are perfect.  Please help us to understand, and if not understand at least know that You work for the good of all who love You and that Your plans are perfect.  Give Marvin's family peace.  Help them to not doubt but to know You are with them through this and know how they feel for you too lost your son.  Thank you for Marvin's life and thank you for your love.

Please pray for Ingrid and her family - Julio (her older brother), Julie (Julio's fiance), Don Julio (her father) and Doña Juanita (her mother). 

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

God has been good

God has been good (Dios ha sido bueno).  My transition back to Canada has been odd.  I did not really notice it at first but I was not myself.  I was not motivated to do a bunch of things (including my summer school homework).  I was here but not fully.  But God has been so good.  My eyes have been opened to need here and more than ever I want to live a life in service.  In Guatemala my purpose being there was to serve the people of Tactic and the surrounding areas.  God was in everything.  I don't see why life can't be like that here.  It is too easy to get caught in the motions.  To do things without heart.  My challenge has been to do everything intentionally - serving God purposefully. 
I am working at a care home for the elderly.  I am a RCA (Registered Care Aide).  Basically, I am there to dress, clean, and help feed the people at this home.  That is breaking it down to its simplist form but it is true.  Right now I am working the night shift.  So basically everyone is sleeping.  I get calls if they need a bed pan or a Tylenol or if they simply cannot sleep.  It is easy to become monotone - simply there to get things for them.  There is not too much conversation.  I am on the floor by myself.  Everyone is sleeping (or should be sleeping).  But then I make an effort to show God, to be His hands and feet, to everyone who calls me that night.  If I have time, to sit and chat with someone who is awake early in the morning.  And when I purposefully serve and don't just work, I am so much happier.  The shift goes by so much quicker.  I can smile back at the day (or night for most people).  I can be blessed through the elders and by the quiet time while everyone is sleeping.
God is good and has been good in my life - there is no denying that.  My goal is to show His goodness to everyone I come in contact with - to be different. 
I believe I heard this quote at Misisons Fest this year and I think it should become the goal of our lives:
Preach the gospel at all times and when necessary use words.
Love and blessings,